An ECD centre is an educational facility specialized in children between 3 to 5 years old and their parents. An ECD aims to ensure that children get the best start in life, feel confident and can achieve their full potential when they start school and reduce repetition and dropout rates and also help mother in running families, to assure health, nutrition and social protection.

This project develops existing ECDs in our collaborating schools by refurbishing the classrooms through carpeting and painting. Moreover, the project provides support for improving the quality and capacity of ECD facilitators by providing teacher’s training. Along with the training, the teachers are provided with a standard set of ECD teaching learning materials that facilitates children’s cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development. It also aims to improve the capacity of ECD managing committee members by linking them with their relative school, VDC or municipality.
To strengthen Early Childhood Development centres, so that they provide better quality Early Childhood services to children that focus on their cognitive, emotional, physical and social development and learning.
- ECD Refurbishment
- Conducted 5 days of ECD teachers Training
Sankhupatichaur VDC, Panauti, Kavre District and Sindhupachowk