GOAL is project that is being implemented by Childreach Nepal in partnership with Women Win (Netherland based organization) and Standard Chartered Bank. Through weekly sessions to adolescent girls, the project uses sports and life skills education to transform the lives of young underprivileged girls, on and off the court. The curriculum focuses on educating the young women on topics including health, rights, communication, financial literacy, teamwork.

Through the GOAL Project are working directly with girls from eight community schools within the districts of Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur. We are using the GOAL curriculum and training the participants in the GOAL Modules developed by Standard Chartered Bank & WomenWin. The project will also include life skills development workshops for the girls lead by prominent female individuals in the community.
Through the sports for development programme, the girls will be presented with opportunities to lead during the weekly sessions and to represent their school girls; sport team, enabling them to discover themselves and explore their untapped potential.
The GOAL curriculum has four modules:
- ‘Be yourself’:
The first module ‘Be Yourself’ deals with understanding oneself. Adolescent girls are a unique group – they have desires and challenges that can be different from ‘youth’ or ‘women’. They’re also going through a period of great change in their lives both mentally and physically. It’s important that they learn the value of being themselves, to define their roles in their homes and their community and feel good about who they are. This module includes sessions such as: knowing the best ways to communicate with each other, learning how to identify peer pressure and to say ‘no’, understanding mechanisms for resolving conflict, developing a basic understanding of how gender roles are defined in the home and community along with identifying role models and set goals for the future. - ‘Be Healthy’:
Adolescence is a time of great change within the female body. Some of these changes – getting your period, having sexual desires – are difficult for many girls to discuss with their families or even their friends. Ignorance about these issues can be dangerous and learning about things, such as hygiene, is important to keeping girls healthy so they can go on to achieve everything they want in life. Girls need to know the basic facts about how to prevent infections and to stay safe. The second module ‘Be Healthy’ includes sessions such as: feeling more positive about their body image, understandingthe basics of their body and structure, developing skills for personal and household hygiene, understanding sexual health and learning how to prevent sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and AIDS. - ‘Be Empowered’:
Rights provide a clear outline of what a free, just and peaceful world would look like, by setting minimum standards for how individuals and institutions should treat people. They also empower people to take action to demand and defend their rights and the rights of others. The third module ‘Be Empowered’ teaches on understanding what rights are and how they should be used, have a basic understanding of sexual rights, feel safe and comfortable discussing domestic or sexual violence, be aware of different resources and institutions that girls can access as well as be clear on environmental issues that affect the community. - ‘Be Money Savvy’:
The more participants know about money – good ways to learn it, how to spend it wisely, and how to save it – the more power and control they will have over their lives. You don’t have to be an adult to learn about money, you don’t have to be good at maths and you don’t need to have much money to improve how you manage it. Financial literacy education prepares adolescents for the financial roles they will assume as adults. Value the importance of saving and understand different ways it can be done. The final module ‘Be Money Savvy’ includes sessions on knowing the basic parts of a budget and preparing them to make their own, guiding them on the types of jobs they may want to do, if they plan on working, teaching on how banks work, understanding the difference between saving and borrowing, realizing the responsibilities and consequences of borrowing money, understanding the different types of values placed on being a girl in the community and how that is connected with her ability to make money or take care of her family along with being able to explore their own goals and make action plans towards achieving the goals.
In addition to the above four modules, we will also be holding GOAL events on international days’ e.g. world menstrual hygiene day (28th May) to raise awareness as well as engage with the participants. We have be having multiple life skills development training/workshops within the span of the project period.
GOAL works in creating impact in adolescent girls in the following ways:
- Integrate life skills curriculum with the power of play
- To develop an engaging sports based platform for adolescent girls in community schools of Kathmandu Valley
- Harness leadership potential and provide access to career development opportunities.
- Capacity Building Training to the staff members of Childreach Nepal
- GOAL Launch Programme
- Conducted baseline and end-line with GOAL Girls
- Conducted Headmasters Meeting
- Training given to coaches on how to conduct online sessions
- Conducted Online Zoom Session
- Weekly session on the basis of GOAL curriculum’s 4 module (Be yourself, be healthy, be empowered and Be money savvy) with GOAL beneficiaries in partner government school.
- Events on international days such as Women’s Day to raise awareness about important issues.
- The project will culminate at the end of the year with a Goal Graduation ceremony and Goal Event.
- Conducted GOAL Community Engagement Program.
- Kathmandu
- Bhaktapur
- Lalitpur